Saturday 22 October 2011

Middle of the night darkness.

My day is starting at 5:30, thanks to my twins who decided they were both done with sleeping. Very unusual for them they almost always sleep in till seven at the earliest. Sometimes I'm still convincing them to get up at 7:30. (Yes I have odd toddlers).

I dont mind though, In fact I'm rather grateful, as I was already awake.

And thinking dark thoughts.

"You are useless, why cant you just do the housework as you go so you dont end up living in a pigsty?"

"Why can't you just keep on top of things."

"You're a lazy cow." (one of my favourite self-depreciating remarks)

"You aren't good enough. You have to work harder."

"Why can't you just give up the smoking? Do you want to be around for your kids or not?" And then the anxiety attacks start and I can barely keep them away. Beyond the darkness. Please stop thoughts, please stop brain! Just stop...

So yes, I am grateful to my girls for giving me a good excuse to get away from those thoughts. Breaking up fights and dealing with toddlers is a great distraction.

Its easier to shut it all up in the day.

xx The Ramblings of Another Mother

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Crayon Disasters.

Bring on holidays!! Been having fun doing some of the stuff I planned. In my usual over-ambitious way I have planned more than I can possibly fit into two weeks, especially when I continued to work for one of them.

Previously I have soldiered on through the holidays but this time I thought to my self "why did I start this job?" Sure my main reason was that it was available, but I could have gone out and gotten any old job like any other person, but I took this opportunity because I could work it around my family.

But have I? No, not really. Apart from the many (many) medical appointments I have not really "worked around my kids" no more often my kids have fitted around my work.

And for the most part thats how it should be, I am in this to run a business, to make money and improve my family's financial situation. To do that I must put in the hours.

But at the same time we were coming up to these holidays and I thought, you know what? No one is going to die if I take the second week off. So I have, and am spending some quality time with my babies.

I am also taking the opportunity to dedicate a day to myself. Mental health and well being and all that jazz.

In the words of one of my favourite authors: Terry Goodkind If you are at all interested in the fantasy genre and have not read him, then do:   Life is for living, so rise up and live it.

Yesterday me and the kids spent the morning browsing round the local shops and while that may not have been everyone's favourite way to spend time with their kids it was fun to just wander with them, be involved in what they are interested in and get some ideas for xmas. Looming up fast the fat man in a red suit and all his dollar requirements.

Then home and lunch and twins down for a nap. And I thought time to see what I can do, so I sorted out the crayons, long ones short ones, stubbs. This was all in the thought of "I will make these" :

AND another thing to cross off my list of 101 things.

Mine did NOT work the same as these ones.... I am not entirely sure why... I have several theories including "baked too long" "baked too hot" "different brands" but really... they just didnt really work.

At thought at first I might have accidentally put one of the oil pastels in too, as there seemed to kind of pool at the top with some weird liquid that was just brown... and very intelligently I poured it down the sink.

Wasn't I clever? I mean, what an INTELLIGENT thing to do??!!

So I come back to the sink to find a pool of solidified wax there... Oh sh** I thought. I chipped it away, and then realised that the sink was bloody blocked. 

I blocked the sink with crayons. I BLOCKED THE FRICKEN SINK??? 

Try explaining that one to the landlords think I... "Hi there, well my brain fell out on the way to the hospital to have twins and it never did get fully recovered... I think a truck may have run over it and damaged vital parts of reason and common sense...."

TRY explaining that one to my husband (by the way, he still doesn't know this story.... I am not hiding it or anything.... no no no I am uhhhm well.... rather mortified at myself!).

Ok so think think... what to do... Boil kettle, and pour boiling water down the sink.... wait. wait. A few small ribbons of wax appeared and I scalded my hand pulling them out as quickly as possible, melted wax mind you, that kind of attached itself to my hand like a leech and discolour it....

MORE hot water.... the sink is rapidly filling with hot water and I am squeezing major amounts of dish liquid in as well for good measure.

More ribbons of wax... 

And suddenly WHOOSH the whole thing empties. Well thank eff for that.... One more kettle of hot water down the sink and a copious squeeze of dish liquid for good measure.. and then I remember that the crayons are still in the oven.

Pull em out. Very brown and rather odd looking things but after they re-hardened and I popped them out I saw that the bottoms looked like this.

Not too bad for a first effort. I intend to have a few more goes, perhaps melting the colours separately and then pouring them into the moulds... no not the sink. The moulds.

And yes, I can be incredibly ditzy at times....

xx The Ramblings of Another Mother

Friday 7 October 2011

Dern it!

So my lovely daughter cleaned her room up, and I told her she could vacuum it too if she wanted. So she proceeded to vacuum EVERY LITTLE THING up off her floor, and every big thing. Consequently it got blocked, but being young, and untrained in the ways of vacuums she continued to vacuum and after awhile the thing gave up and stopped working.

Oh crap. The things broken we said. Damn. We will have to buy a new vacuum we said.

Then I started looking at vacuums online. So many vacuums! So many choices!! I love this one:

Its ONLY a grands worth of fantastic machine.... OMG FANTASTIC MACHINE!!

Oh the cleanliness! Oh the beauty! Oh how I want it... Wet and dry greatness. Deep cleaning splendour. 

Dear Hubby laughed his bum off though.... I don't blame him... I mean a thousand dollars on a vacuum cleaner?? 

When I win lotto godfreys will be my first stop...

In the meantime we decided to settle for something a little more sensibly priced such as this:

Then my husband walks past the dead vacuum and flicks the switch. And it whirs to life. 

Crap! I was looking forward to my new vacuum cleaner.

xx The Ramblings of Another Mother

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Looking through my window...

This is a second post in one day yes... but I had to share, vent, whatever, the reason why I almost always have a headache by this time of day when my kids are home.

Most mornings go like this:

7am: Drag myself out of warm bed, tell Rockchick to start getting ready. Go to the toilet, remind Rockchick shes supposed to be getting ready. Go into the twins rooms, attempt to remember which one I dressed first yesterday (no favouritism) Yell at Rockchick that shes not supposed to be standing in the hallway, but is meant to be getting dressed in uniform. Fail to remember which one I dressed first yesterday and grab the nearest twin, and start dressing her. The other twin will now start either yelling or laughing depending on her mood. Realise I have forgotten their shoes and go into the living room to find them, remind Rockchick on the way past that reading is not putting on her uniform, get back with the shoes retrieve the toddler from under the cot where she is searching for a dummy, fend off various limbs and close my ears to the objections and start to change and dress her. Ask Rockchick why she has come to stand in the hallway and is not getting dressed. Retrieve the toddler from across the room and get her clean nappy on, ask her which top she wants to wear and then remind her that she needs the tee-shirt before she can wear the sweater. Get the rest of her clothes on, then call out to Rockchick is she getting dressed as well as singing? Get the other twin: repeat.

7:20: Put the kettle on, ask Rockchick what she needs to do next to be ready on time for school. Make Rockchicks lunch, make the twins breakfast, make my coffee. Remind Rockchick that if she doesn't get ready on time she will be late for school. Ask her why she is wearing the dirty tights/t-shirt/skort she was wearing yesterday and send her back to change into clean ones and put the dirty ones in the laundry. Get fed up and make her breakfast (ask myself, is this possibly why she dawdles?) Decide I dont care and then brush and do everyones hair while they are eating at the table.

8 ish am: Sit down and drink my coffee and eat my toast, check in on facebook. Tell Rockchick that she is supposed to be eating not teaching the twins songs a syllable at a time. Get up and try and make the twins bring their plates to the bench. Sit back down. Remind Rockchick to EAT. Stand up and check the twins bag (which I always mean to do when I dress them but always forget). Go sit back down and remind Rockchick shes eating.

8:10: Almost time to go, head towards bedroom to get dressed, remind Rockchick on the way that we have to leave in fifteen minutes and she needs to be ready or she will be late. Get dressed, make bed, and remove dirty laundry from master bedroom to the laundry.

8:25: Go into toilet and take book off Rockchick, why on earth are you sitting on the toilet reading? Why is your bag not packed, your shoes and socks not on. Why did you pull your hair out, and why have you tried to plait it and created a dreadlock?

8:28: Yell at Rockchick to get off the toilet and get ready! Put the twins in the car, put their bag in the car, search house for sunglasses and wallet. Fail. Yell at Rockchick to get her socks and shoes on or she is going to be late.

8:30: Tell Rockchick we are going to go wait in the car, and that she is holding us up. Go wait in the car.

8:32: Toot the horn.

8:35: Toot again, Rockchick appears, cuddly toy in hand. Wind window down and remind her that she needs her bag for school.

8:37: Rockchick reappears with bag, call at her to shut the door. She comes and stands at the back door of the car and waves at the twins. I yell at her to get in the bloody car already.

8:40: Lecture Rockchick about getting ready in the mornings on time so shes not late. Stop at the school, redo her hair and kiss her goodbye, remind her to head straight to her classroom and ask where are we meeting after school today? (if I remember).

Now that is pretty much my typical morning every day, on my "work" days I then take the twins to kindy and then go home to work, but today it went like this:

8:42 arrive home, let twins out. Get another coffee and break up fight number one. Separate children. Get fed up and turn on tv for a little quiet. (at least kid noise quiet)

8:50 Sit down and answer my emails, drink coffee. Go break up fight number two.

9:20 sit on floor and play with twins. Remind them that mummys knee is big enough for two, read a story. read another story. Say no more stories and remove tantruming Cheeky Lala to her bedroom. Make another coffee.

9:40: Feel tired. Sit on chair for a minute.

9:42: attempt to tidy kitchen with two toddlers playing "run under the bridge" between my legs until I open the pantry to put something away, then listen to my daily rendition of "cookies? COOKIES!!!"

9:50: Give twins a cookie. Go put Dora on, finish kitchen.

10am Sit down, and feel tired. Go break up fight number three. Return stolen Blanket to Bankyboo, Tell Cheekylala that we do NOT take Bankyboos blanket, cos its her special blanky.

10:15: Turn off Dora and turn on Radio. Dance. Attempt to take turns picking up each twin, fail, try to get them to hold hands and dance all together, fail, break up fight number four.

10:30 Twins run off to bedroom. Feel grateful. Go put a load of laundry on. Listen to fight number five. Go into their room and yell that they do not pull all their clothes out of their dresser. Pull the sheets off their bed, put them in the laundry. Look at the pile of their clothes and decide not to put them back till later. Go write a blog post.

10:40: get climbed on by Bankyboo, Cheekylala comes in too and wants to join. Abandon Blog post and try to play on the floor with them, they run off. Go back to blog post.

11:00: Finish blog post, go to twins room and sigh at the larger pile of clothes on the floor. Yell at them that they do not do that. Feel tired. Go back to kitchen, unpack dishwasher. Hear twins fighting, ignore it. Fight number 6.

11:15 go into hallway, find twins have moved most of the pile of clothes to the hallway and have tucked themselves into bed on top. Feel tired.

11:18 Finish throwing last of pile back into their bedroom. Turn around and knock Bankyboo over. She screams, I feel guilty and sit down to cuddle her. Cheekylala snuggles in too and pats Bankyboo on the head. They start laughing and run off. I lean against the wall and feel tired.

11:20 Go break up fight number.... I have lost count.

11:35 Remember coffee I made at 9:20, start drinking it even though its cold. Start feeling headache come on with the next fight. Tell the twins that biting is definitely not ok and place them in time out. They then comfort each other. And run off to their bedroom. Feel tired.

11:40 Remember that attempting to tidy the living room is just stupid when the twins are up. Abandon the effort. Remember coffee. Go break up another fight.

11:55 Feel grateful that its almost lunch then naptime. Get a glass of water. Skull it. Hope that thats all the headache will turn out to be, skull another glass of water. Feel a bit sick. Go get Blanky back off Cheekylala and return it to Bankyboo. Remind Cheekylala that its not nice to take Bankyboos blanky.

12:00 attempt to make twins help clean up their mess. Feel tired. Give up and make their lunch. While they are eating I go make their beds for naptime. Make my lunch. Hide in my corner and check in on facebook while I eat. Get climbed on by various toddlers. Wish they would leave me to eat in peace. Return them to table to finish their lunch, attempt to return to mine. Break up another fight. Wolf down last part of my lunch then make bottles and put them into bed. Feel tired.

So thats typical life within my house. And I have a headache. I think this is more because I am tired today than anything else.

And now I am going to go tidy the living room, and hopefully vacuum.

xx The Ramblings of Another Mother.

I am the glue.

You know every family has one, the glue, that makes things happen, keeps things gelling, holds everyone together.

I have read in studies that this person is often the middle child, also known as the "peacekeepers" but I am the youngest. And kind of the "only" as I grew up as the only child in my home from the age of 7.

And I am the glue. I am the glue in the extended family, and in my immediate family. I keep everything going, everything gelling.

Well the glue is TIRED today. After a long day of glueing yesterday.

For me yesterday that was getting up at 3:30 am and driving both my folks to the airport to drop off my father for a flight over to Australia to visit his mother and brother, then home on time for hubby to go to work and then get all the children sorted for school/kindy. Which was amusing as we got home by ten to 6, and there was so much time to get everything done! My poor mother wanted to help me but when you are so used to getting it all done there is a rhythm to it and she was at a bit of a loose end.

It was all done by 7. Thats unheard of in my house (since thats usually when I am dragging my butt out of bed...) SO Rockchick and I decided to do some knitting... knitting at 7 am felt very decadent.... Mum had a little silver fern patch which she sewed onto her cabin bag as she wanted to strongly represent her country in England!

So anyway, kids off to school/kindy, back home and it felt like a weird limbo... a waiting game for time to return to the airport with mum.

I feel hugely responsible for my mum, she has been my rock on so many occasions and I have been hers. We have this meshed network of relationship in which we are best friends, mother and daughter, daughter and mother, and each others confidants. And she has diabetes and arthritis. And I had to hand her care (hohum) over to my older brother for the next few weeks. I had to give her up for the next few weeks.

It was very hard to let go.

When you have that much confusion inside of you its hard to not feel exhausted, let alone getting up at 3:30 in the morning and driving to the airport, an hour and a bits drive away. Twice.

So at 10 am we were back on the road to take my mum to the airport.

We were hoping to have lunch and a chance to say our goodbyes before she left but the traffic was bad, and we got there on time to check her in and put her through customs. So it felt very rushed.

And then she was gone. I raced up to the viewing platform and saw her go through - she didn't see me. But then I had to leave the airport, when my mum was flying off with part of my heart clutched in her hand. I am fairly certain she left a part of hers with me, so it was a fair trade.

I got home on time to have a quick shower and felt a bit fresher, answered my emails and send out a quote. But then it was into my afternoon. Wednesdays are my hardest afternoon at the best of times.

Pick up children, tap dancing, home dinner, bed, BLAH.....

And I still couldn't get to sleep before 11:30. Silly over-tiredness.

I am now waiting to hear from my brother that she has arrived safely in England. She is arriving at 7pm yesterday our time, after 23 hours on a plane. I do love how buzzy time differences are!!!

And now back to life. House semi tidy, work prep for a site visit this afternoon, with the kids in tow, that should be fun. And I am fairly certain that the twins have pulled all the clothes out of their dresser while I have sat here typing this.

Oh the joys of being the glue!

xx The Ramblings of Another Mother.